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パネラー席の右端がヘリット・イミンク先生です |
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後ろの時計の針は「午後4時50分」を指していました |
最後の「国際ファン・ルーラー学会極東支部のつもりで」というくだりも計算どおり爆笑をいただきました。「国際ファン・ルーラー学会」というのはこの日限りのもので永続性のないものだと、もちろん分かっていましたので、あえて言いました。「極東」(Far East)という言葉は、欧米の方々への敬意です。
スピーチ冒頭の動画(You Tube)
オランダ日報Nederlands Dagbladの記事
■ 日本からのメッセージ/関口 康
感謝すべきことはたくさんあります。なかでもたいへん光栄に思っておりますことは、新しい『A. A. ファン・ルーラー著作集』の第一巻の「序」の中で(53ページ)、ディルク・ファン・ケウレン先生がわたしたちのグループの存在を国際的に紹介してくださったことです。
2009年に日本のプロテスタンティズムは宣教150周年を迎えます 。しかし、現在の日本のキリスト教人口は国民の1パーセントを超えていません。
■ MESSAGE FROM JAPAN/ Yasushi Sekiguchi
Greetings! Thank you for giving me this opportunity to introduce the research about Van Ruler that we are doing in Japan. My name is Yasushi Sekiguchi. I am the chairperson of the Japanese Van Ruler Translation Society and a pastor of the Reformed Church in Japan. There are many things for which I am grateful. For one thing, we were very honored that Dr. Dirk van Keulen introduced our group, the Van Ruler Translation Society, to the international community in de Inleiding van de Verzameld Werk van prof. dr. A. A. van Ruler (deel 1, p. 53) !
Our very small group was established in February 1999. We have grown to over 100 members. We do not do our theological research in an academic setting, but we are theologians who work in local churches.
We operate by sharing our Japanese translations of Van Ruler’s texts with those on our mailing list. In addition to this, we encourage each other by sponsoring symposia and conferences every one or two years. Beginning this fall, our translations will start to be published serially in a well-known quarterly journal in Japan. The first translation is “Structure differences between Christological and Pneumatological perspectives.”
From the beginning, the goal of our society is to publish a Japanese version of the collected writings of Van Ruler. Of course we realize that there are great differences in the context of the churches in Europe, America and Africa, and so forth, but we think there will be great significance to read his texts in our Japanese context.
In 2009, we will mark the 150th anniversary of the arrival of Protestant Christianity in Japan. But even now, Christians in Japan number less than 1% of the population. In this situation, Van Ruler's theology gives us courage to face the world. He would not allow us Christians to become religious maniacs obsessed with the other world and who forget their place in society. I believe his theology is so significant because he maintained this balance and taught the need for Christians to be engaged in both religious and secular environments. Restored trust in the church and increased impetus to mission endeavors go together. For those of us doing theology in the local churches, this teaching is highly significant.
We who consider ourselves the Far East Branch of the International Society of Van Ruler Research desire to continue to wrestle with Van Ruler’s writings. We are grateful for your help and encouragement. Thank you very much!